Resources: 1836 rental | 1844 visitation | 1845 "Times" | 1861 census places | modern place names
1844 Visitation | Scullomie | Blandy | Strathtongue | Dalcharn | Coldbackie | Rhitongue | Tongue Village | Braetongue

Mr Horsburgh's Visitation of Tenants in Tongue, 1844-1845

(National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh:
Sutherland Estate Papers, DEP.313/1084.)

Mr Robert Horsburgh, Estate Factor, visited the tenants in Tongue between 1844 and 1845. He started at Scullomie, and proceeded through Blandy, Strathtongue, Dalcharn, Coldbackie, Rhitongue, Tongue Village, Braetongue and Braekirkiboll. He made notes in a hard-backed notebook, which bears the name "J. Horsburgh" (John Horsburgh, his brother and predecessor).

The writing is very faint and I am aware of many omissions and errors.
(Round brackets) are Mr Horsburgh’s.
[Square brackets] contain my comments.
Dots  ..... imply text I have passed over as unimportant.
Capitalisation and punctuation are not exact, but true to the original meaning.
Blue text is used for Family Notes.

For Scullomie, the factor gives the arable, pasture and total area for the croft (usually about 4 acres), and the rent (usually about £5); other entries are less detailed. “Plan of 1829” refers to plans now held in National Library of Scotland, Map Library, Causewayside, Edinburgh. I am indebted to Malcolm Bangor-Jones for corrections and additions to my readings of Scullomie, Blandy, Dalcharn and Coldbackie.

If you are researching any of these families I would love to hear from you -  perhaps we can exchange information and contacts.

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