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1844 Visitation | Scullomie | Blandy | Strathtongue | Dalcharn | Coldbackie | Rhitongue | Tongue Village | Braetongue

Braetongue 12th June 1845

BRAETONGUE No.9 (My Reference 9472)
, drainer. First house on S.E. side of Parliamentary Road.
Lot: rent 1s. extends on both sides of Parliamentary and Crask roads, a garden at back of house, and the patch below the Crask road taken in. The whole ground between the two roads unenclosed and still left in a state of nature tho' well fitted for cultivation. Father, now dead. Got the land about 11 years ago and it ought to have been long ago all brought in.
House: one of the old thatched Highland ones, with byre at one end and broken down partition — place suitable for offices [=farm buildings such as byre and barn]
Family: Tenant, an excellent drainer and much employed, age about 34, married about three years ago a daughter of old Mackenzie, the heritor at Altenryhenie. — Two children, a girl about 2 years old (Mary Mackay 1843-) and a boy 9 months (Hugh Mackay 1844-). Mother about 65 also in house. Stock: [blank].

BRAETONGUE No.8 (My Reference 4222)
(Second clump of houses on S.E. side of Parliamentary road.)
Lot — rent 1s. A large lot, extends at both sides of the Parliamentary and Crask roads, a garden at back of house. The patch below the Crask road entirely taken in and about 1/5th of the land between the two roads taken in, the whole ought immediately to be so. John Mackenzie got the lot about 11 years ago. He died in 1838, the whole trenched ground done in the tenantry of Old Mackenzie.
House: a new tenantry house, thatched, windows partly built up.
Original house, occupied by widow, running in a line from the east end of the old one — It ought to form the offices for the new one — no partition between byre and house.
Family: in new house: GEORGE MACKENZIE aged about 40, wife from Kildonan nearly the same age (George Mackenzie 1806-1869, Margaret Chisholm 1806-?). Three children, two girls, 18 months (not identified), and one day (born last night) (Margaret Mackenzie, 1845-aft 1901), and a son of 3 years (John Chisholm Mackenzie 1842-1884).
In old house: John Mackenzie's widow, an infirm woman of 70 (Elizabeth Munro), a daughter of about [blank], lately married to JOHN MACKAY, a labourer, 29, who likewise lives in the house (John Mackay married Mary Mackenzie, 7 Mar. 1845). Has a servant woman in the house with them of nearly 50 years of age. The eldest son of the old man a gardener in Caithness (possibly Robert Mackenzie c.1802-1884 m. Johan Mackay), and the youngest in America (possibly Mackay Mackenzie c.1811-, died in Canada). [Information on Robert Mackenzie and Mackay Mackenzie, from a potential descendant.]
Tenant: Consider. Stock: [blank].

[opposite page to above] Ketty MacLeod — Small Bothy

BRAETONGUE No.2 (My Reference 1040)
(First house on west side of Par[liamentary] road).
Rent £1 1s. 7d. Has had this lot for many years during Lord Reay's time — taken in the whole ground, which seems very well managed, and yields well. Would now bring say double rent at least.
House: very good one in the old form built by the tenant himself about 12 years ago and seemingly rather neatly kept.
Family: Tenant an infirm man of 73, mind now much gone, been a very active man in his time (George Campbell abt.1772-abt.1849). Wife about 66 (Margaret Mackay 1782-1863). Has in the house 5 children, 1 son about 25 hunch-backed (Alexander Campbell 1820-aft.1871), and 4 daughters, 46, 44, 40 and 31. Has a son in America and one other in Tain (I have no knowledge of these sons). Fever suspected to have just broken out, the youngest daughter being ill since yesterday. Stock: [blank]

BRAETONGUE No.14 (My Reference 9020)
(2nd house below Parliamentary Road)
Lot: Rent £2 8s. 5d. Has occupied the lot for about 10 years, was partly improved when he got it but a good deal since done, though several patches are still left untrenched. It extends betwixt the Parliamentary and Crask roads, a good and large lot.
House: a good one upon the old plan.
Family: Tenant an active labourer and dyker of nearly 40, with a wife of about 43 (William Macintosh and Mary Mackay). Five children, four boys 15, 13, 10 and 2, a girl also 10 (John, William, Alexander, Hugh and Henrietta). McIntosh has just recovered from fever and his wife and three of the children are now ill. Not visited. Stock [blank].
(1841 census: William McIntosh 30, Mary 35, John 10, William 6, Henryeta 4, Alexina 1 (probably a mis-reading of Alexander); Catherine McIntosh 50 (probably William's mother)
1848, William McIntosh and family sailed on the "Scotia" for Quebec, Canada.)

BRAETONGUE No.13  (My Reference 2641 — Family Tree)
(3rd house below Parliamentary Road). Has occupied this Lot — Rent £2 3s. — Has occupied this Lot from the family [i.e. the Sutherland family] for about 10 years — was partly improved when forming part of the Glebe and held by himself from the Minister. A good sized lot, has done a good deal to it but much still remains to be done in trenching. Barns awkwardly placed in the middle of the land and ought to be removed nearer the house.
House: an indifferent one on the old plan, windows small, and half boarded up.
Family: Some of them at present laid up by Fever — not visited today. 
(Alexander Munro 1801-1885 and Hughina Mackay 1800-1883 had eight children and many descendants)

BRAETONGUE No.15  (My Reference 4624)
  Fourth house below Par[liamentary] road and in middle of Lot.
Rent £1 6s 10d formerly part of the Glebe. Lot much improved by DONALD McLEOD, his brother in law, who has lived all along in the house. A considerable portion of land however still remains to be trenched in the upper part of the Lot which ought now to be done.
House: one on the old system and seemingly in bad order at the present time. . Ought to be removed from the middle to the upper end of the Lot. A shoemaker's shop built on the side of the Crask road.
Family: not visited, on account of fever being in the House. [a large gap had been left for this narrative]  Stock: [blank]
(William Sutherland, son of William Sutherland & Christina McLeod, was born about 1815 and married Elizabeth Mowat on May 27th 1845. Sometime between Whitsunday 1845 and Whitsunday 1846, William and Elizabeth left Braetongue for the New World. Tenancy of the Lot was taken over by his mother and some of her family. This extended family has been researched by descendants of William Sutherland and Christina McLeod.)

[On page facing William Sutherland]
A piece of vacant land left betwixt the possessions of WILLIAM SUTHERLAND and RODERICK MACKAY, which would form a tolerable Lot. Mr HUNTER has got permission to put his House upon it during the Factor's pleasure (14 June 1845_.

 No house on lot.
Lot: Rent 12s. 10d. — Formed part of the  Glebe, and the only arable part a small portion on the Thurso road improved before the Excambion by the Minister. — Though the Land has been in the possession of the present Tenant for about 11 years, not a single part of ground has been trenched, tho' the man is quite able to work — He ought to be removed if he does not set about doing something now — Free Kirk Officer.
House: None, tenant lives in a bothy on the Glebe. Family [blank]; Stock: [blank]
(Roderick Mackay 1795-1880, wife Catherine Elder 1796-1856; children Ann 1823-aft.1881, John 1824-aft.1883, Donald 1832-1891, Grace 1834-1862, William 1835-1883. As far as I know, none of the children married. but Donald's death was registered by "John Mackenzie, nephew".)

BRAETONGUE No.18  (My Reference 3751)
(5th house below the Parliamentary Road).
Lot £2 13s. 9d. Formerly part of the Glebe — No ground improved since it came into his possession, tho' a Considerable patch at the top still remains untrenched. Something ought unquestionably to have been done — patch above Par. Road only being turned.
House: an old and very miserable one, end on the lot of Heirs of Daniel Reid. — The tenant promised to build one several years ago on the new plan above the Parl[iamentary] Road but nothing has been done beyond the putting up of a barn. Byre not divided from the house.
Family: Tenant about 40 , a strong man and generally employed as a thrasher at Tongue (Charles Mackay 1799-1869, born Orkney). Wife dead (Catherine McLeod). Five children —  two sons 20 and 19 (John Mackay 1824-aft.1883 and William Mackay 1824-aft.1844), and three daughters 17, 14 and 12 (Marion Gordon Mackay 1828-aft.1844, Georgina Mackay 1830-aft.1844, Dolina Mackay 1833-aft.1871 who married John Sutherland, a shepherd from Durness, they had 5 children in Braetongue).  Stock [blank].

BRAETONGUE No.17 (My Reference 7711)
(6th house above Parliamentary Road).
Lot: rent £3 4s 6d. Garden part formerly formed part of the Glebe, which they got about 10 years ago. Since trenched 8 or 9 falls above the Parliamentary Road, a little might still be done. Lot extends from the Parliamentary to the Crask Road, and likewise a little way above the Parliamentary Road.
House: an indifferent one on the old plan, occupied by HUGH CLARKE who is married to one of the daughters. Another worse one further up occupied by the other daughters of Daniel Reid.
Family: Clarke, a lazy but good workman when he likes, about 38, wife 33, six children, five sons 12, 10, 6, 4 and 1, and a daughter also 10. (Hugh Clark and Lexy/Alexandrina Reid emigrated to Canada c.1853, with seven children c.1853; another four children were born in Canada. Several descendants are researching this branch.)
Daniel Reid's daughters, eldest 44 (Isabella Reid 1800-1884), second 38 (Ann Reid m. Angus Mackay, emigrated to Canada probably at the same time as Ann's sister Lexy. I suspect that Angus Mackay was from Lochcrask). Has also in the house an illegitimate daughter aged 16 (Ann Reid or Macintosh 1824-1913, Isabella's illegitimate daughter by a Hugh Macintosh).

GEORGE MACKAY Bain Fourth House above Parliamentary Road
Lot £3 15s. 3d. All below old Dyke formerly part of the Glebe, and improved before he got the Lot 11 years ago. The Lot likewise extends above the P[arliamentary] Road, and the whole of the patch has been trenched since last year — almost nothing done below the road. The ground there should likewise be all taken in. Decent dykes built this year on both sides of the road. The improvement has been altogether very marked since last Season, and the Tenants exertions worthy of praise. New Dykes say, 120 or 130 yards.
House: Intended merely for Offices, but turned very improperly into a permanent dwelling house, without any partition betwixt byre and house — a Tenantry house was meant to have been placed with the front to the road.
Family: Tenant the Water Bailiff on the Borgie about 50 years old, wife 30. One daughter about 18 months old. An aunt of the Tenant, a frail old woman of 80 lives in the House, and is on Poors' Roll. Stock: [blank].

BRAETONGUE No.10  (My Reference 814)
Fifth house above Parliamentary road (4th June 1844).
Lot: Rent £1 7s. 1d. Lot runs betwixt the two roads and likewise above the Parliamentary one. The tenant died about 3 years ago (John Murray 1804-1842 never married) without having done much to his lot. An acre trenched some 9 years ago by the Proprietor below the Parliamentary road in lieu of ground taken off by changing the lots. The present occupier, his brother Angus Murray, has more the means and spirit of improvement, and within the last two years a good deal has been done in retrenching, while about 12 falls of new ground have been taken in. Much however remains to be done both above and below the Parliamentary road. A little done in dyking since last year, say 70 or so yards.
House: a thatched one on the old plan, built 25 years or so ago by the father, Hugh Murray. A small shop to the south of the house built about 8 years ago by Angus. The dwelling house would be considered a very good one at the time it was put up.
Tenant: dead about 3 years ago. The occupier, Angus Murray, a sort of merchant and an excellent watchmaker, of very good character, wishes to be entered as tenant and may with propriety be so.
Family: Angus Murray aged 36 (Angus Murray 1807-1881 m. 1854 Margaret Mackay and had 4 children), a sister, the widow of Anthony Paterson, about 32 years of age (Helen/Ellen Murray b.abt.1810, later married Alexander Mackay from Dalcharn; she had 5 children altogether, fates unknown to me), also a servant girl, daughter of William Mackay “Cattach”, cottar, Skinid, about 17 years of age. Stock: [blank].
(Christine Stokes has encyclopaedic knowledge of all the Murrays in Sutherland)

BRAETONGUE No.1 (My Reference 8363)
DONALD BALFOUR Sixth house on upper side of Parliamentary road.
Lot: Rent £2 2s 1d. A good lot, and much has been gradually done to it by the Tenant. It extends between the two roads and likewise above the Parliamentary one. A deal of ground in various parts of the lot still remains to be taken in, and ought to be so. Cross dykes should be taken out.
Houses: A new and well finished thatched Tenantry one, at present let to Mr Hunter, Excise Officer. A wretched little place of a shop to the north of the new house, at present occupied by the tenant as his dwelling house. The old house occupied by John Macdonald, the tenant’s brother-in-law, house let by permission. [marginal note] Slate for House promised gratis, if taken this year.
Families: The tenant, Donald Balfour, lame and a shoemaker, 43 years old, his wife also 43, no family. (Donald Balfour died 1874, age given as 82; m. 1837 Helen Munro 1800-1880. Donald Balfour had an illegitimate son living with him in 1851) Mr Hunter, a respectable man of about 50, wife 32, five children, three boys 12, 10, 14 months, two girls, 8 and 5. John Macdonald, an infirm old man of about 80, his wife about 70 (John Macdonald abt.1775-bef.1855 m. Margaret Balfour 1780-1868), two daughters, Anne about 32 (Ann Macdonald 1817-1872 never married), Angusina about 21 (Angusina Macdonald 1827-aft.1851) — a third daughter in service in Mudale, 19 (unknown to me). Stock: [blank].

BRAETONGUE NO.6 (My Reference 7485)
Seventh house on upper side of Parliamentary road.
Lot: £2.8.6. A good sized lot, and stretches like the others both above and below the Parliamentary road. Has trenched imperfectly a large portion of the ground, but cairns and old dykes left — Trenched a good deal last year, but much should still be done. Told him to get the cairns etc. all off put.
House: one of the new tenantry ones, thatched, undivided, and openings for windows divided up, has got frames for the windows now made.
Family: tenant a steady worker, and often employed in breaking stones for the roads, about 52, wife 50 (William Mackay 1793-1867 and Dorothy Mackay). Family at home, four vizt., two lads 21 (very deaf) (Neil Mackay 1820 m.1855 neighbour Mary Nicol, may have emigrated) and 14 (Robert 1827-), two girls 17 and 10 (Mary 1827-aft.1881 and Catherine 1834-1887). Another boy at present serving [i.e. working] at Altnaharra (possibly Robert b.1830).
Stock: none shown.

Lot: £2 11s 10d. runs like the last — some land trenched before the present Tenant got it some 12 years ago — he has however added largely to the arable land, tho' a good deal remains to be trenched. Land under cultivation in fair order.
House: one of the Tenantry ones covered with divots, windows, joisted and divided, room and subset without permission to Rory McKay, carpenter.
Family: Tenant a man of 39 generally employed on clipping and dressing sheep — mother lives with him age 69 and frail. A sister of about 30, likewise a natural son of his brother of about 18. RORY MACKAY is married and has three young children, eldest 7 and youngest 2. Rory is about 36 and his wife 31, both from Ross-shire. Stock: [blank]]

BRAETONGUE No. 3  (My Reference 2709)
CHARLES MANSON  Ninth house on upper side of road.
Rent £3 3s 7d. Almost the whole of the land under the road trenched before the present tenant got the Lot, an exchange having been made some 8 years ago betwixt him and Mackay Gorrie now at Loch Crask — The whole ground under the road has been re trenched by the present tenant and 2/3ds of that above the road brought in — the remainder should now be turned over. The Lot appears to be in very fair order.
House: a new Tenantry one well thatched — divided — room end and closet joisted and boarded — windows, but a good many panes broken.
Family: Charles, a man of 63, often employed at Tongue but now frequently rheumatic and today in bed, wife about 62 (Charles Manson 1783-1855 & Barbara Mackay 1784-1870). Son a well employed shoemaker of 34 (John Manson 1811-1893), three daughters living in family, 24, 22 and 20 (Hughina 1821-1902, Christina 1823-1857, Dolina 1827-1852. Also Janet 1829-1883), while two older ones are married to the two CLARKES in Reg Tongue [sic, i.e. Rhitongue] (Mary Manson m. Peter Clark, Robina Manson m. George Clark — both couples settled in Braetongue). Stock [blank]

BRAETONGUE No.4 (My Reference 1793)
(10th house on upper side of road).
Got the lot about 12 years ago, his father having declined to put up a new house. The lot was however given to the son on the special condition that he should support his parents. The whole of the ground under the road was taken in before old McWalter got it, it has however been much improved by John, while all the trench ground above the road — except a piece in the South corner — has been brought into cultivation by John — A considerable patch still remains to be done there. The Father is understood to get the entire produce from the Land above the road, except that of two very small patches. The Old House erected by the father stands in the middle of the land above the road.
House : Tenant's — new tenantry one, partly lofted but undivided, windows nearly built up. Father's the original Highland one, the entry being through the Byre.
Families: the old man's: Robert Mackay himself frail and nearly 82, wife 76, has a grand-daughter living with him of about 22.
The son's: tenant about 50, used to be employed at mowing the lawns at Tongue last year, but now afflicted by hernia and only fit for ordinary and less severe work, the second wife 35, six children at home, two boys 13 and 10, four girls 24, 7, 4 and 1½. Another daughter as already noted lives with the grandfather. Stock [blank].
The extended family: ROBERT MACKAY "McWalter" c.1763-c.1847; wife JANET MACKAY c.1769-c.1849; son JOHN MACKAY "McRob", second wife JOHANNA MANSON, and their six children: ALEXANDER MANSON (m. Jessie Fraser in Edinburgh), WALTER (died unmarried), SOPHIA (aka Euphemia 1837-1927, died unmarried), ELEXA JESSIE (untraced), HUGHINA (1844-1924, m. William Hutchison in Edinburgh) and ROBERT (m. Christina Reid in Braetongue). Also at home were John Mackay's daughters by first wife, Marion Mackay: MARION (1822-1887 m. George Mackenzie, merchant, Braetongue), and JANET (c.1819 untraced after 1845). Several branches of this family are being actively researched; you can make contact via Mary Young's email address on this website.
Link to Margaret Mackay's extended Notes on this family.

BRAETONGUE No.7 (My Reference 3609)
  (11th house on upper side of road.
Lot: Rent £2 9s 6d. The land below the road is said to have been mostly under cultivation at the time he got the Lot, but almost the whole now under crop above the road taken in by himself — many patches however of muir still remain. A great deal has been done this year in dyking, and this well worthy of notice.
House — a new Tenantry one, windows, all divided and lofted — shop in one end — Agreed to allow an addition of 18 feet to be built on the South end for a Shop, but with Meliorations, and to give Slate for the Dwelling house, if put up this year.
Family: Tenant rather frail and about 70, wife blind for many years and about same age — one son a cooper and shopkeeper at home 33 (George Mackenzie 1811-1879), and a daughter of 20 (Henrietta Mackenzie 1824-aft.1881). Another son, DONALD, at present working in the South (Donald Hugh Mackay Mackenzie 1820-1887). While other three sons have been in the South for the last 9 or 10 years (Hugh Mackenzie 1819, others unknown to me). [note that "South" can refer to anywhere south of Sutherland, e.g. Glasgow, Edinburgh, Fife or even Aberdeen!]. Stock: [blank]

  (12th at a distance on Hill on upper side of Road)
Lot: Rent £1 6s 10d. Little trenched when the present Tenant got the Lot about 10 years ago. Of late years he has been very active, or rather he has laid much money out on trenching etc. and now nearly the whole ground has been taken in, while a considerable length of dyke has been built on the west side. An acre said to have been trenched last year, and about ¾ this year. Something still remains to be done, but this man has shown an excellent example to others, and his exertions might very properly be recorded by a premium from the Duke.
House: stands awkwardly near the very top of the Lot and is one of the old smoaking huts. A new one ought to be built on the road side at the bottom of the lot.
Family: the tenant an active man and employed for many years back as overseer of the Roads in the Neighbourhood. He is about 40 years of age, his wife the same age. Have four boys, 14, 12, 10 and 6, and 3 girls, 8, and twins 2 years old.

BRAETONGUE No.21 (My Reference 3282)
(13th house (on hill) above road).
Lot: £1 6s 1d. Little done by this present tenant, the land at present under crop having been principally trenched by Cotters before he got the Lot. Much still remains to be trenched, while the old Land be much improved.
House: a wretched bothy on the old plan. A new one ought to be put up on the road side at the bottom of the lot.
Family: a labourer about 40, wife about 35 (Donald Campbell 1792-1881, Margaret Mackay 1810-1890). They have one child, a boy of 6 months (George Campbell 1844 married 1878 Johan Mackay). There is likewise in the house the tenant's mother, a frail old woman of 62  (Barbara Mackay 1780-1860 never married) who is oddly enough on the Poors Roll, also a daughter of the old woman, about 26 (not yet identified by me).
(Donald registered his mother's death as "widow", but as far as I know she never married; his own death reveals he was illegitimate.)

BRAETONGUE No.11  (My Reference 2660)
(First house on hill to the north of Tongue Burn).
Lot: Rent 17s. 7d. Has done but little to his lot within the last 3 years, has trenched and drained about 60 falls within the last two years, much however still remains to be done.
House: Upon the old plan, and repaired last year without my knowledge — a good one ought to be built below [i.e. further down the lot].
Family: Tenant, an excellent dyker of 38 — wife 38 — children, 3 boys, 17, 10 and 1½, and two girls, 14 and 4.
(William Reid 1806-1884 m. (1) 1827 Mary Anderson, children Hugh 1829, Isabella 1830 and Andrew 1834; (2) 1840 Marion Nicol, children Christina 1841, Daniel 1843, Hugh 1846 and Daniel 1848.)

BRAETONGUE No.12  (My Reference 2945 Memorial Stone)
Rent 3s. Got the Lot in 1829 all in a state of nature except two trifling patches near the top. Has now trenched towards the half. Has run a rough stone dyke along the bottom and has now nearly completed a decent dyke on the south boundary. Must have laid out a considerable sum of money, and not a little deserving of credit.
House: Byre merely upon the Lot, the Tenant of course occupying the School house.
Family: The Tenant 40 years old and parochial schoolmaster, and Mrs Newlands, 34; two boys 8 and 5, and a girl of 3 (Robert Newlands 1806-1887, Grace Forbes 1812-1888). Sister-in-law of 37 (Ann Forbes 1806-1887). Has at present a part of the house let to the Revd. HUGH MACKAY MACKENZIE and his son Mr WILLIAM who keep a servant girl and boy, children of ALEXR MUNRO in Braetongue.  Stock: [blank]

[The following entry faces No.6, assume a Cotter]
MARY MACLEOD, a pauper of about 70, used to live in a bothy at the upper part of William Mackay Bain's lot. Was taken ill about a month ago and has been taken into the house occupied by Daniel Reid's daughters.

, an unmarried Cotter of about 47 (Catherine Mackenzie 1798-bef.1855). Has in the house with her an illegitimate son of 21, JAMES MACKAY, at present acting as Post to Durness, his wife a woman of 40, with one child of 9 months old (James Mackay post-runner 1824-1917, wife Ann Macintosh 1810-1879, dau. Alexandrina 1844-1930 who had at least 5 children, never married). And also another illegitimate son of 9 years of age (to investigate — may be Donald Balfour's child). There are also in the house Ewery [Dorothy] MACKENZIE, a sister of Ketty's of about 43, with her daughter a girl of 12 (Dorothy Mackenzie 1800-1857,and her daughter Barbara Mackay b.1833). Ewery is quite fatuous and cannot speak intelligibly. Has a share of the Laz[y] beds on the hill tho’ no rent is paid. The house is a bad one and stands immediately to the North of DONALD CAMPBELL’s Lot with its end to the hill. Ewery is on the Poors’ Roll and Ketty gets £4 p[er] annum for keeping the girl. Stock: one cow
Widow EFFY MACKAY a woman of about 75. Has in the house her son ANGUS MACKAY a piper and labourer of about 40 and his wife of 24 with one child a boy of 4 months. A sister of the old woman, aged 37. The House fronts to the west and is immediately below Ketty Mackenzie's. Effy is on the Poors Roll, has a portion of the abominable lazy beds near the house, but pays of course no rent. Stock: two cows.
Widow Wm Mackay McBain. On the Poors’ Roll and about 70 years of age.
House end on to the hill near the burn — has two shares of the lazy beds below the house, Stock: one cow. House: a tolerable bothy.
John Nicol, a labourer and driver of sheep. About 45 years [old], wife nearly the same. Four children in the house, 3 boys from [blank] to [blank], and a daughter of 9. Two boys at service, and the eldest daughter married to a fisherman at Cannisbay of Caithness.
House: bad and on the old plan. Has taken in a garden without permission from the common [i.e. fenced off part of the common grazing on the hill].
Stock: 3 sheep and one cow.

, daughter of the late ROBERT MACKAY, miller, Dionside — west end of 1st house on west side of village. Not at home — said to be about 25 and to live upon her money. Poor looking dwelling outside, but said to have things pretty comfortable within. Stock: one cow. (Margaret Mackay 1818-1881, died unmarried. Her mother was Mary Duncan. My Reference 1058)
2. ERIC MACKAY, an active working man and generally employed by Mr Mitchell, Ribigill. About 39, wife about the same age. Family two boys of 6 and 4, and two girls 9 and 1½. Stock: a cow.
3. JANET MACKAY Bain. An unmarried woman of about 45, a sister of the water bailiff. A healthy woman and said to support herself by her own labour. House the west end of the long range. Has a son and daughter at service, the daughter with ROBERT MACKAY, merchant, and the son with a shepherd in Kildonan.
House: looks tolerably well outside – but not seen inside as Janet was from home. No cow.
4. RODERICK MACKAY, Tenant about 50 and a good labourer. Has a lot in Braetongue to which he has done nothing. Wife about 52. Family, three sons, 20, 16 and 10, and two daughters, one 17 at service with Mrs Manson and the other 13, deformed and on the Poors’ Roll. The eldest son at present at service with Mr McLEOD. House the 2nd from the west end of the long range, smoaking and dark with ash pit in the byre end. Roderick Free Kirk Officer. Stock: one cow.
(My Reference 776. Roderick Mackay, post runner, 1795-1880 m. Catherine Elder 1798-1856; children Ann, John, Donald, Grace and William — all died unmarried. Family gravestone.)
5. Widow BARBARA MACKAY McRory. House the 3rd from west end of long range. Not at home and inside not seen. About 65 or so, and on Poors’ Roll. Has a fatuous son (John Donald) who wanders about the Country and particularly over the Northern Counties. Has a daughter about 28 serving with the shepherds and another about 20 at present employed on days wages by the minister. The widow is not very robust looking, but still she seems able to work, and goes begging far and near. Stock: a heifer.
6. JAMES MACKAY. 4th house from west end in long range. Got in lately by permission of the present Minister during last winter. A tailor of 30 years of age. His sister of about 23 being with him. House: a poor one, but much cleaner than the others. Well employed as a tailor. Stock: none.
(James Mackay c.1814-c.1861 married 1848 Catherine Macintosh from Inchverry, her second husband. James's parents and sister still unknown. My Ref. 2620)
7. ANN CLARK. 5th House from west end of long range. Not at home. Said to be about 65, an aunt of the minister of Kinlochbervie, Is said to have some little money on which she lives. (Probably Ann Clark 1782-1867, daughter of Robert Clark and widow of John Mackay — my reference 4076.)
Has in the house with her an old servant of the late Robert Clarke, ANN MACKAY "Soldier", about 50 or 55, who is on Poors’ Roll. Ann does not look in bad health but the … Officer says that she is so. (still unknown)
8. BARBARA MACKAY McHomish. House on east end of long range. An infirm old woman of 86, and on Poors’ Roll, supported by the Session and neighbours.
9. BELL CAMPBELL or Gollach. (eastmost house — standing by itself just on Glebe march. About 60 or perhaps more. Has an epyleptic daughter with her of 40 years of age. The daughter is on the Poors’ Roll and quite an object. Ordered some Sticks from Ogilvie for repairing the House. Lives by begging and on the trifle got for the daughter from the Poors Roll. The principal part of this house is on the Duke's property.
10. HUGH MACKAY; (house standing alone to the South of the others and altogether on the Duke's property). A strong, active man and labourer. Works the Lot of his brother-in-law ANGUS MURRAY. Age about 40, wife about 45 (Hugh Mackay 1805-unknown m. Christina Murray 1802-1886). Family, one boy of 9, and two daughters 4 and 2½ (Hugh 1834-1857, Christina 1840-? m. Angus Mackay, Johan 1842-?). Tolerable house but small. Stock: none. (My Reference 839)
[This is the end of Mr Horsburgh's book.]

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